Tutoring services are provided to students from high school and CÉGEP, in various school subjects.
Our trained tutors will accompany students in a specific subject by reviewing concepts seen at school, helping them complete their school work, preparing for exams and providing additional exercises as needed. The tutors also offer strategies to allow the students to become more independent over time.
Our trained tutors will accompany students in a specific subject by reviewing concepts seen at school, helping them complete their school work, preparing for exams and providing additional exercises as needed. The tutors also offer strategies to allow the students to become more independent over time.
Our Process

- Initial consultation to determine the student’s needs

Subject offered
- French
- English
- Science
- Math
- History

- Homework support
- Exam preparation
- Concept review
- Study skill

- Contact school teacher
- Progress review with parents
Please take a moment to fill out the following form and one of our team members will contact you in a timely manner.
Contact Centre Alpha Tutorat
If you would like to register your child or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you.